Weblog? What weblog?

Sunday, January 11, 2004:

This entry is for SATURDAY... I had no internet access, but typed one anyway.

Today had to have been the easiest trip back to school I’ve ever had. All my flights were on time (if not early!) and none of them were full, plus my baggage made it back with me, AND they showed a good movie on the 4 hour flight! not to mention that my flight from chicago to dayton got there 20minutes early... woohoo!

I’m at my grandmas house in Lima right now as I type this- I return to the dorms tomorrow afternoon. It’s so strange to go from 50 degrees to 19 degrees in a matter of hours (not to mention losing 3 hours- I’m all confused about what time it is)- I went outside and just about froze! Fortunately I left a few sweaters here that I’ll be taking back to school tomorrow.

I’m kind of 50/50 looking forward to the new semester right now- I’ll be glad to see my friends again, overjoyed at having a high speed and constant ‘net connection ( I miiisss youuuu Ashhhh!!!), and my classes should be much better than last semester...but I could really use another week of break. ah, well.

In other news I’ll be going to geology field camp this summer, so I’m working on scholarship apps for that (please, pleeeaaassseee waive my out of state tuition fee!) as well as lining up a job for the part of the summer I won’t be at camp, which means resumes... and cover letters...and applications...oh my!

Now I’m going to play with my new MiniDisc recorder and perhaps reacquaint myself with the concept of television. :D

See you tomorroooowwwww.... (well, really today, because I can’t post this ‘til I have ‘net access...)

Supreme Mongoose // 3:51 PM


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This blog is in Oregon (Pacific Coast) time. So during the school year add 3 hours for the time I actually posted it. In summer, who knows.


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